Friday, May 1, 2009

Marriage Made In Heaven???

(CNN) -- A Saudi judge has refused for a second time to annul a marriage between an 8-year-old girl and a 47-year-old man, a relative of the girl told CNN.

I would love to be able to respond to this but I am at a loss..............

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Big Money

It sure has died down on the "AIG Too Much Money" front!
Seems like only yesterday that everyone was screaming about that. Well, in my humble opinion, they had it all wrong.
Which of us, given the same opportunity as these big money guys, would not accept such an offer from some organization wanting to hire us. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!! If my hiring package indicates that I'll get 5 mil a year, corporate jet, free lunch, enormous stock options, obscene yearly bonus, and 100 mil cash plus stock if I screw up and get terminated then I am supposed to say - NO, it's too much! Yeah Right!
NO, the reason everyone had it wrong was become they focused on the poor shlub getting the bonus and not the Good-Ol-Boy Boards of Directors and CEO's that allow these packages to be written in the first place. They are the problem because they are the people getting the same types of packages. They must keep the species alive. If the packages get revamped then they may run into issues when they want to jump ship and move on to something else.
I believe that if you personally own the business, or own a bazillion shares of it and make more money than your god then more power to you. If you're the CEO, Big Boss, Chief Dude, or whatever title you decide upon then you are an employee just like me and 2% of the employees should not be receiving 95% of the payroll. It's almost like the Gilded Age is upon us again. Now if we only had another Titanic!

What Tea Party???

What's up with the Tea Party crap in the news? Where were all the screamers 6 months ago? For years the government has been promising us the universe and tax rebates to boot. Well it's all come to a head and now that we're down the dumper and someone appears to be making some decisions that hurt, everyone is screaming! Why weren't you screaming 6 months, 8 months, 4 years, 8 years ago? Everyone sat by and let it happen because America has become the gimmie nation. Everyone wants and wants but don't give back. If you don't believe that then explain to me why we have soldiers going back to Iraq for the 3rd or 4th time.
Octo-Mom is another example. No job, no income, 6 kids, has 8 more, all over TV, moving into a house I couldn't afford, and now they're going to do a documentary on the octo-brats until they reach 18. I believe that she did this for the attention and possible monetary benefit and nothing else. Her reasoning was that she loves kids. OK noble remark. Then why doesn't she get off her unemployed ass and get a job at a day care or better yet an orphange?